
ana-carvalho avatar image
ana-carvalho asked

Battery powering load through Charge Controller

Hi all,

I just got an MPPT SmartSolar Charge Controller, which I'll connect to my PV panels and lithium batteries. I will also connect a load in the load output of the charge controller.

I would like to know if it is possible to program the SmartSolar to direct the power from the batteries into the load when the PV power is low.

Thank you!

MPPT ControllersLithium Batterycharger
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1 Answer
ceriw avatar image
ceriw answered ·

Yes, you can control it from the Victron Connect app

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Battery Compatibility

Did You Know - How to create a battery profile for non-Victron batteries?

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual