
bluenomads avatar image
bluenomads asked

Orion 48-12: data available?

I'm using an Orion 48-12 as a DC-DC buck converter, not as a charger (no charge profiles).

Is there any way to get data from it into a Cerbo: voltage in, voltage out, amps in, amps out, box temperature?

There's no obvious port, but is there anything internally?

I can obviously put a smartshunt after the 12v side as a "dumb" meter (12v amps and voltage). Could I even put one on the 48v side of the Orion as a 48v amps and voltage meter? Either way, I'd need one or two shunts to measure both 12 and/or 48, and wouldn't get temperature either. Oh, and then I'd need one or two VE Direct to USB. Could use the temperature measurement of the smartshunt against the case of the Orion?! Eeek?!

orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Nope, sorry. All you get is the LED to tell you it's On.

Depends on your system, but I use the Has DC System function in a GX to calculate the 'losses' on the 48V side and show that in the dashboards. Even the widget on VRM for DC Watts works surprisingly well, enough to avoid needing a shunt, at least for my purposes.

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