
laco avatar image
laco asked

Difference between Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 230V and 120-240V version?

Hello everybody,

can somebody please tell me what is the difference between Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 230V and 120-240V version?

As I’ve read the manuals, the 120-240V should be able to be controlled by VRM/VictronConnect by link. And the 240V version is not. But why?

There is no 120-240V in Victron Connect DEMO mode, only 230V and there really is NO switch to set the charger mode on, or something like that….

Any explanation is welcome

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer
Gregor Kopka avatar image
Gregor Kopka answered ·

The differences are solely in the accepted input voltage range:

The "230 V" version accepts:

- 230 VAC (Range: 210–250 V),
- 290–355 VDC,
- 45–65 Hz

The "120-240V" version accepts

- 85-250 VAC (startup at 90V, full charging power from 100V),
- 90–375 VDC,
- 45-65 Hz

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