
clinter36 avatar image
clinter36 asked

Solar charger in front (starter battery side) of a DC/DC charger

Can I put a solar charger in front of the Victron DC/DC charger (on the vehicle starting battery side) ? This would top off my starting battery and when the DC/DC charger sees the elevated voltage it will also charge the "house" battery .. ?

I built a small 50 Ah lithium power station in the back of my suburban for cross country travel. The primary purpose is to run a DC refrigerator when the vehicle is parked. I don't recall the exact specs but the lithium battery didn't want charge current more than around 15 amps, so I used a Victron 12-12 18 charger and it works great. Now, I am thinking about adding a solar charger just to give a little extra on those hot sunny days.

The reason I am avoiding just putting the solar charger directly on the house battery is that if the car were to be started while the solar was running strong, it could easily exeed the 15 amps. Plus its a nice feeling when you are parked in the middle of nowhere, that the solar is topping up the starting battery lest you have a dead battery when you are ready to head home.

Thanks in advance

chargerorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Should work fine.

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