
valos avatar image
valos asked

Victron MultiPlus 48/3000/35-16 anti-islanding


I have a Victron MultiPlus 48/3000/35-16 installed in 2017, at the moment it is configured as an off-grid install. The system has 5KWp of panels (two strings), 2 Victron MPPT chargers, BMV700, Venus GX, 600Ah lead acid batteries. I would like to configure this system as a hybrid with grid injection.

My question is: does the MultiPlus 48/3000/35-16 have anti-islanding protection, so that when grid fails it will stop injecting into the grid?

victron products
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1 Answer
chrichri avatar image
chrichri answered ·

Hi, the answer is no. You have to add and anti islanding protection which is quite expensive if you want to inject. You have to calculate if the investment in that module is worth the injection over time.

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