
berndm avatar image
berndm asked

suppress "high cell voltage alarm" from BMS (


is there any option to suppress the "high cell voltage alarm" display in the remote conlole of the VenusOS (v2.94)? (I dont need this alarm, cause the BMS Overvoltage is set very low (to 3.47V) to force the very unexact SOC of the BMS to reset to 100% so it will drift away less. But the high voltage alarms are annoying.

MP2, JK-BMS; with serialbattery driver

Thank You


Multiplus-IIVenus OSovervoltage
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·
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berndm avatar image berndm commented ·

No, i mean the display of the remoteconsole. Its switching to the alarm page, every time one cell reaches 3,47V which often happens (and is intented to happen to set the BMS SOC to 100%), when the battery is almost full and an big consumer like the oven with 2800W is switching off. Then the MPPTs are feeding 2800W in the almost full battery for ten seconds, until their power is regulated down by the multiplus, causing the high voltage alarms. Thank you anyway @snoobler

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panicman avatar image
panicman answered ·

Any news about this? I have the same problem on that damn Liontron Batteries, such a crap and I may not change any settings of them...

I also tried to suppress the Alarm at all, but it still comes up every minute when the BMS is nearly full. What do I wrong? How to suppress that damn alarm at all?


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