
david489 avatar image
david489 asked

New Phoenix 12/375 huming/flickering

Hi, I have a 12V system with a phoenix 375 inverter that powers very low charges (internet modem and wifi + a radio). I can hear a clickin/huming noise coming from the unit. It has a frequency of about 2 hertz. It also is visible to my 12v led lights systems. It does it regardless of the battery charge level. The firmware is up to date. My cheap backup inverter does not have the same effect... the noise is not that bad but the flickering effect on the lights it not tolerable.

is this normal or my unit (3 weeks old) might be defect?

Phoenix Inverter
2 |3000

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mvas avatar image mvas commented ·
What happens if you use a pure resistive load? Like an older style incandescent light bulb (lamp) ?
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david489 avatar image david489 mvas commented ·
I dont know I dont have any on hand, I would thing that there would be no problem... still the inverter is making a weird huming/clicking noise

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1 Answer
david489 avatar image
david489 answered ·

problem solved....the power supply from a cpap machine was causing the sudden surge and having effect on the inverter

2 |3000

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