
h2009 avatar image
h2009 asked

Solar string voltage - combine strings or better separately?


I’m looking to improve my solar yield. Basically I have 2x 450/100 MPPT chargers. Panels are JAM72S20 460:MR.

At present I have 4 strings (3 south, 3 south, 3 east, 6 south) on my roof. See image below.


I’m thinking will I see better yield if I combine the 2x strings (number 1 “blue” and 2 “green”) under 1 string?

The other thing to consider there is 1 panel (panel 4) on the green string which will get shading sooner than the others due to the higher elevation shading from string 1.

This happens as the sun is south west position.

Thank you

MPPT ControllersSolar Panelvoltage
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·


I dont think you will see better yield, because if panel 4 has shading it will affect the other panels in that string and combining it with string 1 will affect that panels too

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h2009 avatar image
h2009 answered ·

My thinking behind this was the voltage. Having the 2 strings combined gives a higher start voltage and therefore longer production.

It’s only 1 panel that gets shaded on that string.

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MPPT Product Page

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MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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