
mcizauskas avatar image
mcizauskas asked

What is white 'melted' substance inside new shorting out orion 24/12 70a dc-dc transformer

I added a never used Orion 24/12 dc-dc transformer to my system after a battery protect and after energizing- the battery protect gave me the E1 error code ( short circuit) I opened up the Orion and there is a white substance that is fairly hard now, but melted and covered some capacitors and some circuit board, anyone ever experience that or know what it is? wondering if thats reason for the short.

orion dc-dc
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I would suspect that its just a glue to hold the capacitors in place. so they are not vibration affected.

this is because the glue is slso on top of the capacitors, if the caps were gone then there tops are usually split open

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

also check the fuse's

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mcizauskas avatar image
mcizauskas answered ·

Thanks, I think your first comment about the false positive was the real issue, as the 'glue ' didnt seem conductive so don't think it could have caused a short, besides the fuses were still fine, I replaced the older version of the battery protect with a new smart version , updated the firmware and all is well and working fine ! Best and thank you again, Michael

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Can you make a picture?

The E1 could be a false positive error because of capacitors inside of the Orion.

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mcizauskas avatar image
mcizauskas answered ·

Sure, here is a pic attached , I did notice when I just was connecting the neg leg from the orion to neg busbar an unusally big spark,so I used switches to turn off/on after thatimg-2557-1.jpeg but doing some reading seems like some people attribute that to capacitors in the Orion, I have been able to pull most of the white melted stuff out, kind of had the consistency of 2 year old chewing gum, havent tried to retest yet, thanks, Michael

img-2557-1.jpeg (2.3 MiB)
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