
matmah avatar image
matmah asked

Does the app still work when the 15 amp Blue Smart IP65 charger is disconnected?

I am looking to purchase this charger and was wondering if the app will work with the charger off? The only difference between another brand I am looking at is the app, so it would be worth spending the extra money if it does.

I know there are other methods of monitoring, but if it did, it would obviously mean having to not purchase an extra device.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


When the charger is disconnected from mains, it is all the way off, not in standby. No comms to the app.

It has to be plugged into mains at least to program or monitor it with the app.

Possibly other factors to consider when buying a charger are also warranty and backup. Not sure what other options you are looking at, thats the other main difference i have seen.

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