
dd33 avatar image
dd33 asked

Can "VE.BUS-SMART-DONGLE" be used only on devices - that have a "VE.BUS connection" ?


can the input current limitation of the "VE.BUS-SMART-DONGLE" only be used on devices - that have a "VE.BUS connection"?

I read the user manual for VE.SMART-DONGLE here:

"VE.BUS-SMART-DONGLE" also offers these functions (Among others):

The inverter/charger can be switched to on, off or charger-only and the AC input current limit can be adjusted.

Can these "three" functions only be exploited by devices - which have a VE-BUS connection?

Here I give another example: These three functions (I assume) cannot be used with the “PHOENIX SMART IP 43 charger“ – because this charger does not have a “VE-BUS connection”? However, the PHOENIX IP43 charger could connect to “VE.BUS smart dongle” via “VE SMART NETWORK” – and then the charger could use the data received (From VE.SMART DONGLE) about „temperature“ and „voltage“ - to “optimize” charging the battery ?

Now I would like to ask - whether my "assumptions" - are correct or maybe wrong?

Thank you.


VE.Bus Smart Dongle
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The VE.Bus Smart Dongle can only control devices that have a VE.Bus connection.

If you would like VE.Smart Networking to use with VE.Smart Networking-compatible devices, the correct product to use would either be the Smart Battery Sense or a BMV-712 or SmartShunt.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

It is for Multis, MultiPlusses, MultiPlus-II, MultiGrid, MultiGrid-II, Quattros and Phoenix Inverters with a VE.Bus port.

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dd33 avatar image
dd33 answered ·

Hallo, thank you for the information.

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