
wrnoof avatar image
wrnoof asked

Prevent Cerbo GX from connecting to specific SSID

We have a Cerbo GX on our boat which is currently in charter in BVI. We live in Colorado. The Cerbo has an SD card installed. Our problem is the boat also has a pay-to-use Wi-Fi internet access point installed. No password required to connect to the AP. Login and internet access are via web once payment information is provided. Although other internet Wi-Fi SSID's are available to the Cerbo in marinas, harbors, etc. for VRM purposes, it always defaults to the stronger onboard AP SSID, which, of course, does not connect to the internet until payment is provided. Is there a way to block this pay-to-use SSID so the Cerbo will connect to the second or third strongest Wi-Fi signal? I am assuming the Cerbo can "forget" that SSID and no longer connect to it. However, I want to be sure before our next visit. Once in BVI, access to resources like this forum is limited. I want to provide some fix while there and know we will have at least intermittent uploads to VRM once we return home.

cerbo gxwifi
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @wrnoof,

The WiFi menu on your Cerbo GX has a 'Forget network?' option.

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