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sms72 asked

Smart Shunt 500A - Isolating what it monitors

I have a Li 200Ah bank that only runs an inverter ( connected to its own charger as well ). I only want to measure the SOC and Discharge for THAT bank and not everything on the NEGATIVE buss block. The plan is to install a separate Negative buss for this bank, but doesn't that block NEED to be connected to the same ground/bonding? ( ENGINE ) Once I connect those 2 negative blocks, won't the smart shunt read EVERYTHING?

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

if you want to read the charge parameters for the Lithium bank, then the shunt is connected between the common negative, and the negative pole of the lithium battery. the shunt is only a few mOhms, so the volt drop across it is typically 50 - 63mV at full current (500A). No other connection is required or permitted to the negative pole of the Lithium battery.

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