
clinton-george-andrea avatar image
clinton-george-andrea asked

EM540 replacement of EM24

Hi, i have a project that i design using EM24 as they use ethernet cable to communicate with cerbo Gx but now the meter are not available in the market as they have been replaced by EM540 meter as they communicate via RS485. my project is to use multiple meters to measure different area of energy usage and the cerbo GX is located far distance as via ethernet cable distance did not matter but with RS485 the cable is provided in 1.8Meter and 5Meter. How can i can i use multiple meter of EM540 almost 50pieces to connect in one cerbo GX device?

Energy Meterem24
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The EM24 Ethernet will be available as long as there is no successor.

The new EM540 only replaces the EM24 RS485.

RS458 can be extended up to 100m.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485

Energy Meter Selection Guide