
stconseil avatar image
stconseil asked

Busbar vs fuse holder

I am wondering why we should use 70v/250A busbar instead of a 70v/250A fuse holder ?
The busbar is usually twice the price and I don't understand why.
Any advice there ?
Thanks a lot.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Need advice regarding busbars and fuses?

Have a look at Wiring Unlimited.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Bus bar is more expensive because of the copper. An bus bar is use for current sharing and avoiding lugs stacking. If you dont have a need for that then use the fuse holder.

BTW you can also get modular fuse holders.

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stconseil avatar image stconseil Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks a lot for your answer.

The fuse holder has also a bus bar included, so what is the difference? Do you mean that the fuse holder bus bar is not in copper ?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ stconseil commented ·
So what bus bar are you referring to that is more expensive and which is cheaper?

You get a bus bar for the modular fuses, yes. Are you referring to the lynx bus bar system?

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stconseil avatar image stconseil Alexandra ♦ commented ·

This bus bar (70v / 250 A) :busbar.png

is twice the price compare to this fuse holder :


I dont't understand why .

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you look at the datasheets for each product, you will see differences in bus bar dimensions and terminal material.

So the main difference would be install location. I would think the more expensive one can handle salty conditions better. (So marine application)

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