
alex-rhys-hurn avatar image
alex-rhys-hurn asked

Blue Smart Charge IP22 12|20 Power supply mode output incorrect voltage

Hello Everyone,

I have Victron Blue Smart Charger IP22 12|20. See screen shot for serial number and firmware.

The charger is set to power supply mode and set to provide 14.00 volts. It has a single load connected.

It is only outputting 10.11v instead of the requested 14 volts.

Why does it do this, have I done something incorrectly?

Many thanks for any help.




victron-data-2022-12-11-102032-002.pngSerial Number and Firmware:


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1 Answer
djsmiley avatar image
djsmiley answered ·

Your load is too high.

It can output max 20A which it currently does. It has constant current limiting of 20A and in order not to exceed this it lowers the voltage.

Reduce the load and the voltage will go up to the set voltage.

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