
Lindsay avatar image
Lindsay asked

How to ground a 3phase Multiplus 2

Good day

We installing a three phase system using three mutiplus-II 5000VA Victron inverters. We will be using freedom-won 48V battery, which will connect to bus-bars and from bus-bars to inverters. A circuit breaker will be connected before the wire connects to the + of the inverter battery M8.

My question is what am I suppose to do with the earth/grounding?

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You'll need to follow your local district rules with regards to the grounding arrangements. Rules differ from country to country and even district to district, so it would be better to adhere to their rules.

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nikbok avatar image nikbok commented ·
Well, here it is, I have talked to three different electricians and got three different answers.

Every and each of them were certain that their own aproach is the only one possible, because of regulation. I guess we would need to ask someone with propper knowledge.

Unfortunately, it seems that few electricians do understand both AC and DC

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Lindsay avatar image Lindsay commented ·

ok, thank you.

we will be using a TT network since the ACIN will be connected to the 3 phase plug.

(please see diagram for reference)


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nikbok avatar image
nikbok answered ·

I found this in Victrons Wiring Unlimited about ESS earthing

ess.jpg- battery (-) to GND
- no PE connection on ACin/ACout
- multi chassis to GND
- other DC equipment chassis to GND
- no separation of AC/DC earthing
- no earth rod

anyone who care to explain this and why

ess.jpg (268.6 KiB)
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Lindsay avatar image Lindsay commented ·

Thank you.

I will let you know as soon as i get feedback from one of the people who have done this before, but do you know why the busbars (if they are being used) must be charged prior to switching it on and how?

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nikbok avatar image nikbok Lindsay commented ·
not sure what you mean by charging busbars?
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waninae39 avatar image
waninae39 answered ·

star wiring to a single ground point to ensure no ground loops

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