
ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble asked

Need more amps - Parallel Quattro 48/5000/120 ?

I am 100% off-grid. I currently have a Quattro Pro 48/5000/120 and find myself needing more power (amps), I currently don't have a need for 220vAC. Financially it would be better (i.e.affordable) to buy a 2nd matching inverter for 10kw total rather buy a new single 10kw unit. But, I also don't want a huge headache installing a parallel system or on-going issues with it.

I am looking for two things:

1) Has anyone else done this kind of parallel system, or considered it, and what is your opinion, thoughts, ideas?

2) Are there detailed instructions (wiring, config settings, etc.) on how to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!

multiple inverters
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

In my opinion - its easy to do and works well - plenty of instructions on the victron site.

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ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

Thank you! Thank you very much!

I have looked and looked and found lots of information...but none of it clear or ste-by-step, at least what I have found. Could you provide a link for me? I sure would appreciate it a whole lot!

I want to get this right the first time...and not burn down the house ;)

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·
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ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

OK Paul,

I have a headache and just about cross-eyed right about now. I have stared and stared at one schematic after another. Please forgive my simple(ton) question but I am exhausted trying to figure it out...I am looking for a 100% clear answer from all those drawings. Do the AC Lines (L1 - black) from each inverter connect on the same AC terminal on the single circuit breaker that goes into the main panel? I know the incoming DC power gets split between each unit...that is clear. But I just can't get the AC output side in my head for some reason. Probably making it more complicated than it is.

Thanks again,


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