
oxy-1 avatar image
oxy-1 asked

Read individual cell status with Victron VE.Bus BMS and SmartLithium

Hi, since I see solutions ( with super cheap BMS devices that show individual cell voltages on the cerbo as well as temperature readings of batteries, I wonder if my victron VE.Bus BMS connected to my two victron SmartLithiums also can offer this information somehow on the cerbo?

I know that I can see it in the app directly red out from the battery itself. My batteries are currently a bit unbalanced and I want to monitor them closely. They are not exactly close by, so a remote readout would be very nice!

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Unfortunately this is not possible as the BTV cables connecting the battery to the BMS do not provide this information.

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