
Paul Stafford avatar image
Paul Stafford asked

Cerbo GX programatically turn the Multiplus inverter on/off

I know the Cerbo GX/Touch 50 can turn on/off the Multiplus II. Is it possible to do so programmatically on a time of day basis? In an RV which is boondocking, conserving power is essential, and the parasitic load of the Multiplus is 20-22W. I can do it manually, but I'd like to have the Inverter function turn off at 11pm, and back on at 6am automatically, saving 140+ WHr/day.

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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2 Answers
David avatar image
David answered ·

You can do that using Node-Red I am sure. Install the OS Large version of Venus OS and have a little search on the community site :)

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You could use an external clock to do this, but you save more power if you do it manually on demand - that is what we do.

I added a touch switch on the gui gisplay to turn the quattro on and off easily. You could use a real remote switch too to disable the inverter when you don't need it. by using an assistant and a digital input on the Quattro or the remote control panel from Victron.img-20220801-191728.jpg

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