
blindfreddy avatar image
blindfreddy asked

Any idea why random Cut-off without PreAlarm occurs on Phoenix Compact 12/1200 even when connected to the grid ?

We have a camper with an older Phoenix Compact Multiplus 12/1200/50. It used to run flawlessly but lately, it randomly cuts off, even when there is only minimal load (fridge 135W) and even when connected to the grid. There is no PreAlarm, it goes straight to Alarm on stops supplying AC out. Switching it off and on again helps for a while, sometimes it runs for hours, other times only minutes. It doesn't appear to be related to a specific load as it works fine when switched off, then on again an d then connecting a (large) load, eg. a toaster.

It's quite annoying because the fridge only runs on 230V and hence stops cooling when the inverter cuts out, even though mains is connected. We could run the fridge on gas but would rather have the inverter operate reliably, of course.

Any ideas what may be causing it and how to fix it ?

Many thanks.


Phoenix Inverter
img-0679.jpg (426.5 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Open it up and check if it is dusty in there

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blindfreddy avatar image blindfreddy Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hi Alexandra

Thanks for the suggestion - "great minds think alike" so I've already done that. Opened it up and it was all clean, no dust. Nevertheless I blew some compressed air so remove any possible dust. Unfortunately to no avail.....

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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Your photo shows the Phoenix switched to "charger only"

Maybe just a glitch to the incoming power?

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blindfreddy avatar image blindfreddy commented ·
Sorry that the photo is misleading. The problem occurs when the inverter is in normal operating mode, ie. 'On'.
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ blindfreddy commented ·

Might be worth running the fridge of gas for a couple of weeks, while you test the Phoenix and batteries with some other ac loads?.

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blindfreddy avatar image
blindfreddy answered ·

I can't seem to reproduce the error anymore - perhaps having blown some compressed air may have removed some dust ?

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