
Paul Thornton avatar image
Paul Thornton asked

Smart BMS 12-200, How to connect alternator with no engine battery

If there is a Smart BMS 12-200 installed, what is the best way to connect the alternator when there is no start battery. The house bank is charged by a dedicated standalone alternator. This is on a 40 Ft motorboat.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

As its bad to connect a alternator to a open circuit situation thus turning its main outputs connection to a battery OFF - I would sugest that you used WS500 regulator as these have a remote shutoff and lots of other options (not sold by victron) or have the alternator modified so that the field power can be turn off and on by a relay - then you could connect the alternator direct to the battery and if charging needs to stop then use the charge relay output connection on the BMS to turn charging off /on via the new installed field relay

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