
shoresup avatar image
shoresup asked

Blue Smart charger suitable for Li-Ion really?

All Blue Smart charger datasheets and manuals are saying the charger is suitable for Li-Ion batteries. I don't understand: Any Li-Ion battery in 3S configuration would be 3 x 4.2V = 12.6V Maximum. Any of the Li-Ion voltages (13.2/13.5/14.2) on the charger would damage the battery. How can this be?

LifePo4 would be OK with 14.2 V max and 13.5V float charge. But that is a different chemistry

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

4.2V is seriously high. You would be aiming lower and have more in series. targeting somewhere from 3.4 to 3.7V.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

You can add a custom charge regime for 3 series Li battery.

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shoresup avatar image
shoresup answered ·

Yes, but those (3.4/3.7) are the max voltages for LifePo4. With Li-Ion usually 3.4V would be only ~50% charged. For a battery build of 18650 Li-ION for example: As far as I know, most Li-Ion batteries have 4.2V as 100% SOC.

My point is that for Li-Ion you would need a different charger. For 4S it would need to be max 16.8 Volts and 3S would need to be max 12.6 volts. LifePo4 would be fine with this charger, but it is stated as suitable for Li-Ion....

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