
roochr avatar image
roochr asked

Smart Charger (12V, 2 outputs) for single charging two 12V Batteries in a row?

Are the two 12V outputs separated and can be used for charging two single 12V AGM batteries which are connected in series to 24V?

And a question regarding "the fully programmable charge algorithm": is it possible to start the charge process only if the 12V AGM batteries are almost empty (eg 11V) but having the charger always connected?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer
harold avatar image
harold answered ยท

Hi, 2 short answers:

You should considre a 24V system as one batery, using (or charging) it as 2 single 12V bateries can damage them.

Regarding the charging algorithm, why only start when it is empty?

the amount of (fully) discharge's will shorten the batery life


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roochr avatar image roochr commented ยท

why would single charging damage them?

fully discharge should be not the regular case due to solar charging. but if there's no sun for a longer period the charger should come in at a specific voltage.

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