
michel-vwt4 avatar image
michel-vwt4 asked

Use the load of the SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 to charge off grid power station

On my VW-T4 camper I have the Victron SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 to regulate charging the household accu (Batt-connection) with the Solar Power Supply 150W Foldable Panel (PV-connection). Question: could I use the Load-connection for loading an off grid Power Station. Should be nice if the household accu is full loaded, the energy from the Solar Panel will use to load an off Grid Power Station - so we do not lose sunlight-energy when the sun is shining brightly ;-)

victron products
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1 Answer
steffen-graap avatar image
steffen-graap answered ·

The Load output is intended for the connection of consumers.

Here you could connect a charger for the off grid power station, or the off grid power station directly if it has an integrated charger.

In the SmartSolar, you then have to configure the output to go on when your battery is full and off when the battery voltage drops again. You can set this via "custom algorithm 1". Unfortunately, this is only possible via voltages, not via the state of charge, since the charger does not know this. You have to define the voltages based on your charging voltages for the battery.

But beware, from the switch-on voltage onwards, there may not be enough solar power left to charge your house battery, which means that it will no longer be 100% full.

However, you also have no control over the charging power. This means that the Power Station draws as much current as the charger wants. You have no excess charge.

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