
Paul Test avatar image
Paul Test asked

Have a wish suggestion for improvement for programmable relay


is there a way to bring suggestion for improvement to Victron?
I‘l would have the possibility Switch on/off the programmable Relais if the inverter works or not works.

In my mind feature request for the VictronConfig assistances.


Multiplus-IIVenus OSfeature request
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

There is a dedicated and very active modifications space where you can post your requests.

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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

The feature requests topic tag can help Victron R&D find feature suggestions for products. 

There are many factors that go into the Victron product roadmap, and feedback from end-users can help.