
pierpaolo avatar image
pierpaolo asked

custom setting of my phoenix multi plus

I need to custom setting the absorption and float voltage of my phoenix multi plus 12 300 120 firmware 190911..hex
I downloaded victron connect and plugged in my laptop with an MK3 interface.
I now have this message from the app: firmware version not supported, use VE flash to update to 200 version or up.
From what I am reading not an easy operation and I cannot fail since I am sailing.

Is there any way to change my settings without playing with the firmware?

Thanks for help.

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @pierpaolo

Try this..

Sure there's warnings there too, but this isn't as bad as firmware updates. You're dealing with a 'downloaded' file though. Make sure you save it to pc at every step you make with changes, else they mightn't stick. It should be .rvsc type if you lose it on the pc.

Ps. Might be a little different with MK3, I'm not familiar with that way.

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