
scott33308 avatar image
scott33308 asked

Lithium Charging Configuration for boat stored on the hard

I have a new all-Victron LFP installation and am wondering how best to configure everything when the boat is left hauled-out and unattended for 4-5 months.

My main system components include

-Victron 200AH Lithium batteries (x5=1000AH)


-Multiplus 12/3000/120 inverter charger (this will be turned off when on the hard)

-1100W solar panels with Blue Solar MPPTs. All MPPTs connect to a single Cyrix Li-Charge to regulate and cutoff charging when the batteries are fully charged. I leave solar charging ON while the boat is stored on the hard.

I read that most recommendations are to leave batteries at ~ 50% when not in use. While the boat is stored on the hard the only usage will be 12V fans left on to circulate air. The usage is approx 2A and they would be running 24 hours a day. Overnight discharge would only be about 24AH when the sun is down. This would put the SOC at 98.5% overnight. Is it OK to leave the solar and charging profile as-is, meaning it would charge quickly back up to 100% every day, or is it possible to configure a charging profile with the BMS that restricts charging to some lower level (~80% range) so the batteries dont sit at 100% for so long? Everything I read also says it is best not to keep the batteries at 100%.

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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

You may need to iterate or tweak to find a combination that works for you.

Absorb/float at 3.30-3.35V/cell.

Program a monthly equalization for 2 hours @ 3.55V/cell (Victron's recommendation for maintaining cell balance is absorption at 14.2V for 2 hours/month).

That should cycle the battery shallowly in the mid-range with slow charging during the day and re-balance it once a month.

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