
JohnCO avatar image
JohnCO asked

Off-Grid Ground Relay Setting

I realize this question has been asked several times already, but not for my exact use case. I am installing two Quattros in split-phase 120/240 in the US. I will have no grid connection. In my case the ground relays in the Quattros will be closed, connecting neutral to ground. If I connect a generator, these relays will open, and there will be no G-N bond in the Quattros. There is no G-N bond in my generator, so the whole system will not have a G-N bond when the generator is running.

I believe I should disable the ground relays in the Quattros and make the G-N bond in my main AC circuit panel on the Quattro output side, creating a G-N bond whether the system in running in inverter mode from batteries or from generator power. Is this a correct assessment?

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The proper place to make the neutral-ground bond is at the source of power. While inverting, this is in the Quatros. While on generator it is at the generator. You can probably make the bond at the output terminals of the generator.

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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