
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

Which device for a pure on-grid installation?

What would it be the Victron Energy device requiered to work in a pure on-grid installation without batteries?

use the solar production to feed home devices and the extra energy not requiered sent to the grid, or if solar production is not enough to feed home devices, the remaining requiered obtained from the grid.

Phoenix Inverter
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

None, every Victron device needs a battery.

With all your questions you should contact a local Victron installer.

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Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho answered ·

I thought it was an open and free community without any commitment to answer questions opened. Apologies if i missunderstood.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I think you misunderstood. What Matthias meant was not 'don't ask', but that with questions like yours a distributor would be better able to help.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

There are dozens if not hundreds of grid-tied solar systems on the market. However, Victron is not one of the manufacturers of this technology.

I realize a grid-tied solar system without battery seems like a reasonable solution and costs less than systems with battery for excess energy storage. Experts suggest local energy storage is really a better strategy and helps the power grid more. It also provides backup power should the grid fail.

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basil katakuzinos avatar image
basil katakuzinos answered ·

IF you aim to add a victron inverter to the mix down the line maybe considder a Fronius GT inverter. They integrate well with victron equipment and do exactly what you want.

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