
wasolar avatar image
wasolar asked

EM24 Ethernet - No Connection - Info boot


I can't get a connection to my EM24 Ethernet. A ping works but a connection with Cerbo GX or the Carlo Gavazzi UCS 7 - UCS [1] does not.
On the Display in the Info Menu, I get the info boot [2].
A reset and a power off doesn't change anything.

Any Idea?

Thanks Flo



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4 Answers
wasolar avatar image
wasolar answered ·

Hi together,

I sent my device to my seller and he replaced for a new one.
After that everything works.



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hofy avatar image
hofy answered ·

This issue is a known issue and could be solved via a new Software which you can download at Victron Professional.

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beme avatar image
beme answered ·


Did you manage to resolve the issue? After trying to perform a firmware upgrade to the EM24 I unfortunately have the same problem...



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teuto avatar image
teuto answered ·

Hi together,

i have the same problem like beme.

After recommended FW Update no connection possible.

Response of Carlo Gavazzi Germany was that I must contact my seller for support of victron energy.

Has somebody solved this issue?



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