
marine-electrician avatar image
marine-electrician asked

MultiPlus 24/3000/70 Identify component

Hi, trying to identify the U2 component on the AC input side on the PCB, any help would be highly appreciated.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
I'd be able to look inside my unit to find out, perhaps tomorrow.
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Sorry for not coming back yesterday, after driving a few hundred Km, I was too tired.

It is the good old fashioned LM358AP.
Although a popular common part, I don't see it in stock anywhere at the moment. Probably due to the global chip shortage. I hope you can find a replacement.


Whatever happened to your one seems quite catastrophic, so hopefully it will be easy to find the root cause.

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marine-electrician avatar image marine-electrician commented ·

Thank you so much for the answar, i hope this will solve my problem with the unit. The chip seems completely fried, but cant find any other burned components. The multiplus is dead at the moment, but im sure when i change the chip it will power up again.

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