
nathan-day avatar image
nathan-day asked

Custom GX Screen

Hi all,

Is it possible to add a new page the a GX device?

I would like a screen of buttons that would be used to control various other devices via MQTT.



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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Yes it is possible. The code is QT and files for each page in the system can be found in /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml. main.qml is where overviews are handled. PageMain.qml is the "Device List" which is the root of all "menu" pages.

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dsfas9 avatar image dsfas9 commented ·
what additional hardware would be required to turn on/off 12V circuits?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem dsfas9 commented ·

You could use one of the relay outputs to feed a larger relay to control your loads.

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Victron panels and system monitoring products page

Victron GX device product family comparison table

Cerbo GX topic page