
satch avatar image
satch asked

Install Multiplus on left side

Hi, I have a Mplus 12/3000/120.

As I read in the manual, you can install Mplus Horizontal on its back.

Now my question is, can I put it on it's left side (Mechanically wise)?

It will be installed on with the back clamp on the backwall, and rest on the left side on a shelf.

I will make a hole in the shelf to prevent blocking of venthole.

The cabinet itself is forced ventilated, so I dont' expect issues there.

But I want to know sure about the mechanical limitations.


Actually there's more space on both upper and bottom side, instead of when I would install it on it's back :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerinstallation
mplus.png (53.5 KiB)
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

To be on the same page, this is an aluminium case MultiPlus?
This one should not be mounted on its side as you suggest. This is because there are two heavy transformers inside which are mounted on the side panels. If it is on its side, then the right hand side tranformer will be suspended upside down which could mechanically compromise its mountings. This would be a lot worse if installed in a vehicle.

The sides should always be vertical when mounting ths particular model.

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satch avatar image satch commented ·
Thanks. Clear!

Will mount on backside then, since this is the Alu version.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B satch commented ·
yes this will be OK. but also remeber the hot air rises, so the internal fans will run more often as the natural convection flow is less
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satch avatar image satch Paul B commented ·

Yes I remeber. That's why I put forced fans near Multiplus AND in the closet itself
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