
chris-wy avatar image
chris-wy asked

Multiplus stopped working after SOC reset on BMV 700

The Multiplus 24/3000 immediately stopped working after I had synced the SOC on the BMV-700 by pressing the "+ -" keys in normal operation. Since then it does not do anything anymore.

A hint to solve this problem would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Measuring your battery voltage would be the very first step.
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3 Answers
georgeleonardo avatar image
georgeleonardo answered ·

Having a very similar issue. Does your Multiplus turn any lights on?

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chris-wy avatar image
chris-wy answered ·

Battery voltage is ok as measured at the inverter's terminals.

No light turns on.

Tomorrow I might know more I hope.

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chris-wy avatar image
chris-wy answered ·

solved: most probably the remote switch cable went loose inside the display's box.

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