
miles-emjay avatar image
miles-emjay asked

Is there a plan to Improve the Cerbo GX display software?

As all the main components and links are shown on one page wouldn't it make more sense to be able to tap on the component to control it rather than flick through all the screens.

eg tap on a victron multi and be presented with a new screen with three soft buttons


Charge only


After selecting one it jumps back to the main display screen.

There isn't much logic to the current screen layouts.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @miles emjay,

not officially from Victron supported but @Kevin Windrem has made some great effort to provide us with exactly what you're looking for.

Please have a look at: Changing inverter mode and AC current limit from Flow Overview

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miles-emjay avatar image miles-emjay commented ·

Thanks Stefanie, I didn't realize the system was open source, I will give Kevin's mod a go and have a play with developing my own modifications when I get a chance.

Hope you have good winds and kind seas. Miles

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