
bdale avatar image
bdale asked

Autotransformer inverter stacking with non-victron inverters

Hello all. I have a 36v battery pack for my offgrid tiny home. Been surviving on single phase with a 3kw inverter, and I'm wondering if I can purchase another inverter and wire both into an autotransformer to get a split phase connection? The two questions I know I have are.if the autotransformer can align the different phase inputs and also if the lack of the external ground relay(I could open it up and look) is an issue. Thanks for any information in advance

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

An autotransformer will not align the phases of two separate independent inverters.
The inverters need to be programmed and linked to stay 180° out of phase with one another, if that is possible todo with your particular inverters.

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