
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.70~5 available for testing

Gooodmorning! A bit of an exciting day, at least from a developer point of view: its the first time we make v2.70 officially available for testing.

In case you're not sure what this is about, this post is intended for all people participating in the Venus OS Beta test program.

Last week we released v2.66, the changelog is available on

The features and changes now available for the first time have been in the pipeline for quite some time. We started to work on them mid last year, ie. after releasing v2.60 or even before that. And then all that time we kept them internally, to keep the road clear for all things you've seen in v2.61, v2.62, ... up to v2.66 last week.

And now its time. Note that the amount of functional changes is quite limited; most of the work is low level. Which is not so exciting for a Victron user, but really necessary to be able to keep speeding forward.

The plan with v2.70 is to add more changes over the coming weeks. One of which I know some people are waiting for is the new tank overview. Also alarms are coming for tanks, and we've prepared a new version of the Linux kernel, taking it from 4.19 to 5.10, for most products: its done for all Victron GX devices, but not for the rpis.

What to test?

Basically everything. Since some low level things were changed (Rocko -> Zeus, see below), bugs and regression may lurk in the weirdest of corners. The good news is that, for RaspberryPi4s and Venus OS Large, v2.70 builds have been out there for a while; and running smoothy.

All the best, and have a good weekend! Matthijs

ps. I'll build a Venus OS Large based on this version soon; to have it all on par again.

Change log v2.70~5


  • Improvements related to Inverter RS Smart Solar. But not fully finished yet.

Connection to VRM:

  • log a warning to VRM in case one or more modules in a managed (CAN-bus) battery is blocking charge.
  • Add various data for the Inverter RS Smart Solar (AC-out power, energy values, some history data for solar)
  • Show VRM down in case the VRM-data-receival system is down; instead of a vague error that might make people think there is an issue on their side.


  • Add registers for /Hub4/TargetPowerIsMaxFeedIn and for /Hub4/FixSolarOffsetTo100mV
  • Add registers for Inverter RS Smart

Networking / modem

  • Allow using a GSM modem while connected to a local-only network by not setting a default route if there is no default gateway received from DHCP and/or configured manually.


  • Note that installing v2.70 on a rpi can only be done by re-installing. Meaning: burn a v2.70 image to an sdcard, overwriting anything on there. Detailed instructions here. And more details in the discussion going on in the comments.
  • Restore the packages (but anyone using those, be aware its really not maintained, and if there in the way again for us we'll just as simply take them out again, I'm sorry but thats what it is).
  • Support (some of the) RaspberryPi4s. Some of the means that only some older versions work. Newer do not.
  • Make the Bluetooth work on RaspberryPi3 and RaspberryPi4. The functionality is same as other GX Devices: to setup the network. Which means also that there is nothing else: no monitoring of your Victron system, use Remote Console on LAN, or http://venus.local/app/ instead.
  • Use the complete SD-Card size, rather than a fixed size rootfs, by resizing on boot.

More developer / hobbyist:

  • Switch from version Rocko to version Zeus of Open Embedded. A (perhaps too) simplified explanation for this is that its like going from Windows 7 to Windows 8, and then not in what you see, but just in whats running in the background. For those interested, more info [here]( And yes, Zeus is EOL as well. We'll soon switch over to Dunfell.
  • Venus GX: Resize partitions on boot to the "new" large style partitioning. Background: up until the end of 2018, we produced our Venus GX-es with a file system partitioning similar to the CCGX. But the Venus GX has much more flash memory inside. So end of 2018 we changed the production methods. And now with this change, any unit produced before then will also automatically be upgraded to the new (larger) size. This change allows us to add more standard functionality in those older Venus GX-es. And also it makes it easier to install Venus OS Large on a Venus GX produced before end of 2018: its no longer necessary to manually do the repartitioning. Just run v2.70~5 once, and presto.
  • Fix some management dbus-paths in dbus-pump & dbus-generator-starter, no user visible changes.
  • Update Qt5 to 5.13.
Venus OS
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Elimac avatar image Elimac commented ·

My Raspberry Pi 3 does not show the update... message: "error during checking".

Is this expected?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Elimac commented ·

yes! Thats something I forgot to mention: to have this on your rpi, you might need to reinstall Venus OS. Sounds like you do. Sorry I forgot that

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ed1380 avatar image ed1380 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

How do you install 2.70 on a rp3? so far I have tried 3 different methods with no success.

1- I started with a fresh install of 2.66 and placed both swu files from here in the root of a flash drive. When I inserted the flash drive it warned me that firmware files were found on there, but when I click to check for firmware on usb, it says no firmware found.

2- when that didn't work I unzipped the top file from the previous link and burned that image to the sdcard. it was a much smaller file size than normal. and of course when trying to boot it only showed the logo. what steps am I missing?

3- and for the third attempt I started with a fresh install of 2.66 again and ran this command. /opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ -swu

it downloaded, flashed, and rebooted. but on boot it is stuck here.

obviously I'm doing something wrong19064-20210417-061034.jpg

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ ed1380 commented ·


By burning the raspberrypi3 image to an sdcard. Ie. follow the instructions here:

Note that doing that will erase anything already on the sdcard.

why need to re-image? Because its not possible to update an sdcard that was installed with v2.66 (or earlier version) to v2.70 or later. Also there is no automatic conversion or something like that available.

In other words:
its unfortunate, but not possible to update an already installed rpi3 (-image) to v2.70~anything.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

If you have gparted available, you can copy the data partition (the 4th partition on the card) from the old to the new SD card.

  1. Flash the image to a NEW SD card.
  2. Place that card into the PI and run it to create/expand all the partitions.
  3. Place both the new and old SD cards in a computer and launch gparted.
  4. Verify both SD cards and fix any file system errors
  5. Select the 4th partition on the old SD card and select copy.
  6. Select the 4th partition on the new SD card and select paste.
  7. Commit the changes
  8. Place the new SD card back in the PI and you should be up on the new version with your original settings.
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ed1380 avatar image ed1380 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I have successfully flashed, booted, and used 2.64, 2.65, 2.66 but they are all 1.8gb files. When I unzip this file, it is 450mb. and after flashing it, the rp3 will boot and stay stuck at the logo.

I don't need my old settings, because I'm still waiting on parts for my system, but I will try the gparted instructions. that sounds like it will get me the missing files.

While I'm here, what is the difference between these 2 files? obviously one is version 2.70. what is the other one?


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem ed1380 commented ·

I'm don't think you are getting that far but did you remove /etc/venus/headless? If not, the GUI won't run on the local display. You can still get to it via a web browser from another computer.

You can add the following to the first line of cmdline.txt to turn off the logo so you can see more of the commands during boot


But the best way to capture the boot is to connect a terminal emulator via serial/USB cable to the PI. That allows you to capture all the commands, not just where it stops. Add the following to cmdline.txt:


The unversioned files are simply the latest build whatever that is. So in this case they are identical.

Don't bother with gparted if you don't need your settings.

When first flashed, the SD card will contain a smallish root partition and a tiny boot partition. The root partition is expanded and two more partitions are created the first time the PI boots fully. The expanded root partitions and the data partition are approximately 1/3 the size of the SD card. This may be the difference you are seeing.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·

The new rpi image files are smaller by design. They auto expand on (first) boot. While the pre v2.70 ones were fixed size.

i’m not sure what your issue is.

is the led on the rpi indicating a blinking code?

What size sdcard? And which exact type and version rpi?

this is a great resource:

and the serial console as recommended by Kevin is indeed best. I’m surprised that you’d need to enable that, I thought we have it enabled by default.

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ed1380 avatar image ed1380 mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

so I feel pretty stupid. the issue is that I wasn't waiting long enough for it to unpack. the previous ones had the console ready to go in a few seconds, and this took about a minute.

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5 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I've been running 2.70~4-large for a while now with no issues. Today, I successfully updated my RPI 4 v1.2 and v1.3 boards to 2.70~5. I did one with the .swu file on a USB memory stick and the other with a live update!!! No issues with either update.

Excellent work and thanks to the Victron team.

As Matthijs said not all PPI 4s work. Specifically the v1.4 board will not boot Venus OS.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have a Venus GX on trying to update it just keeps looping back and nothing happens

same happens for 2.66 as well (updated - Interesting after 3 trys it did update to 2.66) but 2.70~5 still just loops but on the retry a screen flashes and says "error during installation" also note this is using a local land connection to the venus GX, when using the portal and remote connect you dont see that error screen flash

I have rebooted the unit as well but still no update possible.

Venus serial number HQ18327

I also not the below in your release notes , and this does not seem to work

And also it makes it easier to install Venus OS Large on a Venus GX produced before end of 2018: its no longer necessary to manually do the repartitioning. Just run v2.70~5 once, and presto.


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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

As a thought a automatic update should NOT occur if a generator autostart is ACTIVELY on and running, as the reboot will cause the generator to stop

If this condition is active then a delay for a few hrs should be instigated.

further to the about

I have tried the below things

returning to user type User-installer

turning gen autostart off


depower and full restart

removing the VE-BMS from the system

Removing the Multiplus II from the Vebus VE BUS

I also saw a notice that a auto update had started as well but this also failed

Just some things I have tried to get the 2.70~5 to fully proceed.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Paul B commented ·

Hi Paul, thank you for the suggestion. I've thought about it, and for such systems, I think its much simpler, and wiser, to disable auto-updates.

Rather than us making the auto-update feature more complex. I prefer it to be real simple.

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Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

I'm also unable to upgrade my Venus GX... starts with normal message but then nothing happens. Tried to reboot before a 2nd attempt, but still no update.

My Venus device has serial starting by: HQ1728EW

Also, I noticed now that the backup firmware file is not available, but I can't say since when... I had previously 2.65


EDIT: If it is needed to use the SD card to pass from 2.65 to 2.70, just to double check - wil it run ok in a Venus GX with SN like this HQ1728EW ?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Eliseu, no need for an sdcard, and it should run fine. I’ll have you system checked later to see what the issue is. The reason that the backup firmware is gone is that apparently it did start to write the new version. (Which goes over the backup fw).

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Elimac avatar image Elimac mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

In the meanwhile I updated to 2.66 (updated with no issues). Didn't try again the upgrade to 2.70 though. I'll leave it for tomorrow in daylight.

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mobilcz avatar image mobilcz mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Matthijs, I have the same issue - Venus GX and not possible to install 2.70-5 from 2.66 stable version. SN of my Venus GX is: HQ1837DTN3S

Also I am not able to communicate from this Venus GX unit with RS-450/100 regulator over CAN.bus (over is it OK). Regulator is tested with Cerbo unit - normally communicate over CAN.bus OK.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mobilcz commented ·

Hi @mobilcz I see your system updated OK in the mean time. I'll consider your issue as closed.

Let me know if you do still have an issue.

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antiguasky avatar image
antiguasky answered ·

Thank you for the update! I upgraded my Cerbo GX to 2.70~5 this morning with out issue. I do not see the Remote VEConfigure or the Firmware Update under the VRM Device List. Should it be available with the new release or is it still pending?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi! Then most likely you have a setting not enabled. See the related manuals.

note that there is nothing new wrt those features in v2.70. They were already available in v2.65.

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antiguasky avatar image antiguasky mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for the help! Settings > VRM Online Portal > VRM two-way communications was turned off. I suspect that I forgot to re-enable it when I changed my CCGX to a Cerbo GX. All is well now.

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stepir avatar image
stepir answered ·

just updated my CCGX to test the new tank overview !!!!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I don't think the Tank Overview is included yet. At least I don't see it on my system and don't see an enable for it in the Display menu.

Checked both v2.70~6 and v2.70~large-18.

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stepir avatar image stepir Kevin Windrem commented ·

Hi @Kevin Windrem - same here it's not yet there as Matthijs in the initial post I guess it's just coming any day. Keep posted here my findings

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