
rotortalk avatar image
rotortalk asked

VE. Flash cannot find device (Quattro 2748 Firmware v155)

I've got 2x Quattro 2748 running firmware 155 (the original) and I would really like to upgrade them so I can use assistants.

I have a Microsoft Surface and a MK3 adapter. I can connect to them using VE Connect and change/save existing settings with no problems.

However, when I try to use VE. Flash I go through the entire procedure and when it gets to 'Connecting' it fails saying cannot communicate with device. I've tried a couple of different cables, but no joy.

I can't use the new Victron Connect because my firmware is too old, so I am stuck. I did see one other thread with the same problem but the chap managed to fix it by forcing Victron Connect to update, but I have no such option. I don't have access to another PC to try.

Any ideas?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware update
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have you tried upgrading them to say 159 then try going to 481

if you can upgrade to 159 Fw then you cant go to the newer FW then you may have to contact your local victron Agent and take both in for them to do

or also try putting them in standalone single used, upgrade each one separately.

also only have the MK 3 and the laptop connected no other device, make sure that VE connect works and then try the firmware upgrade, again

Good luck

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rotortalk avatar image rotortalk commented ·

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try 159, but the issue seemed that VE flash wouldn't recognise the device, so I don't know if that will help. I did have the Quattros in standalone mode, not connected to anything else. I used VE Quick Config to take them out of parallel mode, which is what make the whole thing so frustrating, that VE Quick config works perfectly, but VE flash fails.

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porcini avatar image
porcini answered ·

So you installed the MK3 driver? Normally the MK3 should be backwards compatible but if it doesn't work possibly an MK2 is needed. I'm not sure about that.

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elektroelch avatar image
elektroelch answered ·

Has this issue been solved so far? I have actually a similar Problem updating my Multiplus via MK3.

My MK3-USB works fine with my Multiplus 48-3000-35/50 via VEConfigure3. A successful firmwareupdate of the MK3-USB has been made today, too.

My Multiplus is running on Firmware 4.13 (2620413) and it is not possible to get a Firmware update via CCGX and VRM VEConfigure because this requires at least 4.20 (VRM says "Not updatable (1342)").

Trying to update a newer Firmware version (2620476) via VEFlash does not work as VEFlash says "connection failed".

Without beeing able to get a newer firmware, I cannot get firmware updates via VRM, so I´m trapped. Any Ideas?

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