
kkiksu avatar image
kkiksu asked

Remote VEConfigure upload stuck - Waiting for status updates


like said in the title, remote veconfigure wont proceed from status: Waiting for status updates. What should I do?

VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
kkiksu avatar image
kkiksu answered ·

This is kind of solved. The settings upload went through succesfully altought it always freezes on ”waiting for status updates”.

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tklaos avatar image
tklaos answered ·

Similar issue, just "wait..." and doesnt do anything.pxl-20240503-103314596.jpg

1 comment
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
This is unrelated. The topic is about a waiting message on vrm not on a GX, and is now out of date.
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