
remarc avatar image
remarc asked

Temperature Compensation Math

I have a customer who has six 6V batteries in series/parallel in a 12v system. The customer's battery spec is showing ±3 mV/°C/cell. He is setting up a 12V Multi in Victron Connect and needs the correct value for his batteries. The default is showing -16.20mV/°C.

I'm using the same math that was presented in

A 6V battery is +/-(3cells x 3mV) = +/- 9mV per battery

So for Six 6V batteries in series/parallel would be 6 X 9mV= - 54mV/°C, correct?

Does it matter whether in series or parallel or is it the total number of batteries?

Thanks for the help!

temperature compensation
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1 Answer
Al avatar image
Al answered ·

If the spec battery spec sheet is correct:

A 6V battery is +/-(3cells x 3mV) = +/- 9mV per battery (Per 6v Battery)

And the system is 12v, so 2 x 9mV°C = 18mV/°C Correction for a 12v system. Which sounds about right.

It doesn't mater if you have more batteries in parallel, it's the correction factor for the cell/system voltage.

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remarc avatar image remarc commented ·

Thanks Al,

Great explanation! Thanks for the help.

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