
Elliot Morgan avatar image
Elliot Morgan asked

Unstable Grid with ESS

We have a 3-phase ESS system (grid connected) that is giving us grief:

The customer's house is about 2km away from the road, so the grid connection is very unstable and if any significant current is drawn, the voltage drops and lights flicker and other appliances turn off in the house.

The problem seems to be that when the load is large enough for the system to switch over to the grid, the entire system follows the grid voltage, rather than creating a stable voltage from the Multis.

Is there any way to make it so that the AC Out of the system is stable regardless of the AC In?

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Read this.

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What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

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