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ssybert asked

Quattro 24/5000 with 120V single OR split phase? Will it work?

I've been digging around and I don't think anyone has asked this yet, which surprises me so my apologies if I missed it.

I'm looking to add LiFePo4 batteries and an inverter to my RV and have narrowed down my product selection to the Quattro (I think) but have a few questions I need clarified first.

The Quattro manual shows AC1 has L1 and L2, great. My RV has a 50A service so this works well. On occasion though, I wind up on a 30A site where an adapter I use to convert the 50A 4wire to 30A 3wire which simply bonds L1 and L2 before heading into the RV. If I'm understanding this correctly, the block diagram in the Quattro manual is indicating only L1 used to drive the charger, L2 is simply passed through. Will I be fine feeding the Quattro with either single phase 30A through L1 and N OR split phase using L1, L2 and N without the need for any config changes? Plug and play?

EDIT: The bonding of L1 and L2 would occur @ the 30A to 50A adapter before hitting my 50A feeder cable in to the RV. Based on the block diagram, either side of the panel could pull up to 30A since L1 and L2 are bonded outside the rig.

Am I understanding this correctly?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerPhoenix Inverter
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