
sijtze-de-boer avatar image
sijtze-de-boer asked

How can I reset the VRM registration of my device?

I bought a second hand Venus GX after VRM registration I get the message there is send a mail to admin but I don't get a message because I am not the admin yet.

Venus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Sijtze de Boer

The original owners of the GX are supposed to deregister it from their vrm portal before selling it on.

If you are able to contact them that would be helpful. There is not much you can do from your side, this is for security reasons.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
The original owners of the GX are supposed to deregister it from their vrm portal before selling it on.

Can a user do this himself?

I see no option in VRM to remove an "installation".

I can only delete my VRM account.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ seb71 commented ·


On the vrm you have to remove the device from the installation it is attached to.

Go to the device list and delete the gateway device.

On that note only the owner or admin of the site is able to do that.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Ah, I see. So you delete the GX device and then the installation associated with it is gone.

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alan avatar image
alan answered ·

Send an email to support, I had the same issue and Johannes sorted it out for me

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sijtze-de-boer avatar image
sijtze-de-boer answered ·

Thank you for your answers I had contact with the original owner and allows me to take over by making me admin.

1 comment
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Sijtze de Boer This is the easiest option.

It allows you to also see the history of the system as a whole if you have bought it second hand

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