
ecoworld avatar image
ecoworld asked

GX Software Menu Recommendation - move wifi on/off setting so it can't be accidentally modified

The other day I was setting up an off grid system. (The evening before I had set up all the correct settings on the Venus GX via the virtual console, no problem.)

Anyway I was onsite with my iPad and iPhone and went to add the Venus GX to the customers WiFi network but as I entered that WiFi menu subsection the first item at the top of the menu is the enable/disable WiFi which became selected and quickly disabled the WiFi of the Venus GX which kicked me off and meant I had to come back with my laptop the next day before I could get the WiFi enabled again (major bummer).

If that menu was not at the very top but maybe second in the list, it would mean this wouldn’t ever happen to anyone ever again by accident. It could be a tablet related issue but it’s still a very troublesome issue if you didn’t bring your laptop along.

I just thought the GX console programmer should know this minor GUI issue that’s very easy to correct in an upcoming version by moving it to the second position in the menu list instead of the first in the list. Hopefully this feedback helps.

remote console
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

just a thought instead of moving it, could a OPTIONAL password change option be added

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, nice idea. We'll have a look!

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