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tims asked

Victron Energy ASS030550320 and BlueSolar 100/30?

I was given a BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 for a car aux battery charging system - I'm installing a high-power safety disconnect switch (BlueSea Systems p/n:3001) with an aux disconnect contact to signal a disconnect for my ultra-capacitors to also disconnect and discharge. I want to prevent solar from attempting to add energy to the batteries - and it looks like the Victron Energy ASS030550320 is designed to follow just such a signal, but the manual seems to indicate that ONLY the 100/50 model will respond to a remote off device.

Is this limitation in the manual correct? Or does the Victron Energy ASS030550320 also work to disable the BlueSolar MPPT 100/30? I'm trying to figure out if I can use a ~$25USD accessory, or if I have to build a >$300USD bi-stable high-power disconnect system to follow the enable/disable signal provided by the high-power disconnect switch.

Yes, I'm "looking a gift-horse in the mouth..."

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