
andyk avatar image
andyk asked

Cerbo GX "Remote console" acces

Hi All

I got Cerbo GX for Christmas ;-)

At first everything worked.

Integration with the shunt and MPPT 250 go smoothly.

As I work remotely, it was necessary to connect via the Remote Console.

And here's the problem...



No problem with "Fetching data" ;-)


Remote console


Aaaaand.... BUM !


I was looking for a solution and it does not seem to be (I tested Opera, Opera GX, MS Edge, Chrome ... and nothing)

The funny thing is logo.php works.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed.

I am tired of looking for a solution for the problem on a new device.

I guess I'll have to send back to the seller.

Or maybe




remote console
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1 Answer
Daniel avatar image
Daniel answered ·

Firmware update?

Reset and start over, it’s very very reliable kit :)

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