
shadowf avatar image
shadowf asked

Victron Bluetooth Smart Dongle VE.Direct

I don't get it.

I have a MPPT 75/10 and a bluetooth smart dongle connected. Bluetooth connection works fine. Can i or can I not, connect this so I can be able to check status via local network. I have managed to create a network and the controller shows up, but i can't access this remotely in any way and if so, how.

If anyone knows? Merry X-mas

VE.Smart Network
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It is a Bluetooth dongle so you can connect to it via Bluetooth.

There is no way to connect it to your WLAN/LAN. You will need a GX device (or raspberry Pi w/ Venus OS) to get access to it via WLAN/LAN.

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biozor avatar image
biozor answered ·

I @ShadowF !

I posted a message which described VE Direct to WLAN capability :

It uses cheap electronic modules... But it's running for more than a year now!

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Related Resources

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VE.Smart Networking Manual