
mhuusko avatar image
mhuusko asked

Vrm remote console not available...

Since yesterday I cannot connect to Remote Console from vrm, is the service down?

remote console
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi, No the service is not down as my remote connection works. check for how long its been since the last update the remote console will only work if there is a good internat connection if its slow or congested sometimes it wont connect. well that's my experience anyway


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mhuusko avatar image
mhuusko answered ·

Dashboard is available, but not the remote console.

Worked fin until late yesterday.


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tojohn avatar image
tojohn answered ·

This also happened to me. If you are on the LAN, you can enter http://[ip address of CCGX] and you can access it in your browser. I didn't figure out a workaround from the mobile app or WAN yet.

I thought this was a problem with a recent change in my LAN hardware, but perhaps it's a problem on Victron's side after an update?

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