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fkz asked

VE.Bus Smart dongle Multi controle

I'm configuring the charge/ discharge system around a lifepo battery. Because i have good experience with the first victron lifepo batteries (lynx 180x24 including the BMS and CCGX) I would like to used victron products and make some small adjustments on charge and low voltage cut offs. I thrust victron to be the first line of security in keeping the Lifepo safe and in good working order. the BMS is the last resort if cell drift is an issue or a rare malfunction on the charge/discharge side.

It seems that if i choose from the range of smart products i can adjust the charge profiles for Smart MPPT/ Smart Orions/blue smart ip 22 chargers and Smart phoenix inverters by blue tooth. This would make every part adjustable to my needs.

Instead of using a AC to DC charger and a DC to AC inverter. I would like to use one multi inverter/charger in order to get the power assist. But i can't make the same bluetooth network as with the smart products. Using the installed chargers and BMV to work together with the multi in a smart network. For a moment i thought that a VE. Bus smart dongle was the solution.. It's not clear to me if the smart dongle uses information from other Smart products like a smart shunt / MPPT to adjust charging voltage to sync charging?

the 2nd issue is the smart dongle only lets you monitor the unit not make changes in charge profiles / cut off voltages for inverting. This should still be done with the VE software and isn't that user friendly. Also needing a separate VEbus to usb dongle a laptop and software.

Adding a cerbro CCGX or other venus device doesn't give control to adjust parameters.The multi II has as far as i under stand the same problems. Can we expect victron to add this functionality to the VE smart dongle soon? This would be much appreciated?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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